Want to earn and extra income or expand your Beauty Business after lockdown?
If you are looking at ways to increase your income after lockdown, then why not look at a Sunless Solutions Spray Tan Training Course. Lets’ face it, most of the beauty industry have earnt little or no money since the start of the Covid pandemic and that’s now been over 12 months, how did we survive it? Maybe some of you are thinking, how will I ever replenish my bank account?
That’s why a Sunless Solutions Spray Tan Training course could be for you! It’s a quick course to complete and you don’t require any other beauty qualifications to attend the Sunless Solutions Spray Tan Training Course, so what are you waiting for, it’s a 1-day spray tan training course and you can be set up and ready to make some extra money the day you complete your spray tan training course.
The big question is, can I make money after my Spray Tan Training Course?
The answer to this is, a big YES YES you can, spray tanning is a quick service, and you can spray tan 4-5 clients per hour with very little outlay. That’s a lot of clients you can fit in during the day or evenings!
After your initial purchase of your Spray Tan Training Course, Sunless Solutions charge £95.00 for a group spray tan training course or we offer a bespoke 121 spray tan training course for £150.00, of course you will also require a spray tan kit to carry out your spray tan, the Sunless Solutions spray tan kits start from £145.00 so again with minimal outlay you can get set up and earn money with only a small outlay.
Following a 12-month Covid lockdown people are craving social environments and we will see a huge surge in:
Dinner Parties
Nights out with friends
Family Sunday lunches
Birthday parties
Live events
Baby showers
So now is the perfect time to start a new career in the spray tan industry.
So let’s talk money, this is the part we all really want to know, how much can I earn? Working on the basis of £20.00 per spray tan

So how does the Sunless Solutions Spray Tan Training Course work?
Once you have purchased the Sunless Solutions Spray Tan Training Course you will be sent a link to activate the ‘theory’ section of the spray tan training course. The theory section is sent to you as an online spray tan training section, you are free to work through the training modules at a time that suits around you and your busy lifestyle, you can even stop and start this section of the course.
Once you have completed the theory section you will attend one of our training centres to complete your spray tan course.
Will I require a spray tan kit to attend the course?
No, you do not require a spray tan kit to attend a Sunless Solutions spray tan training course. Your trainer will provide everything you need to complete your course. However, if you want to start tanning as soon as you have finished your spray tan course then Sunless Solutions have put together some cost-effective spray tan kits https://www.sunlesssolutions.co.uk/spraytankits
which contain everything you need to get started in the sunless tanning industry.
Is the Sunless Solutions Spray tan Training Course Accredited?
Yes, the Sunless Solutions spray tan course is accredited by Professional Beauty, which enables you to obtain Public Liability insurance. At Sunless Solutions we highly recommend the following companies for Public Liability insurance. (add links to Public Liability
Will I receive a certificate after the course?
Yes, you will receive a Certificate to confirm you have trained with Sunless Solutions
Will I be able to spray tan immediately after the course?
Yes, you will be competent enough to carry out a full body spray tan, however we highly recommend that you carry out a number of trail spray tan tans on friends of family prior to charging clients for your services. You will have the option to join a monthly zoom call where the CEO of Sunless Solutions, Lisa Young will answer any questions that you may have following your spray tan course.
What will the Spray Tan course actually cover?
The course will cover the following areas of spray tanning:
COSHH, Patch Testing and Contra-indications
DHA in the media
Skin structure and how spray tan solution work on the skin
Our Spray Tan Solutions
Colour charts and choosing a solution to match your clients skin tone
Spray tan equipment such as spray tan cubicles, Spray Tan machines, spray tan disposables
Our new machine washable and tumble dry safe spray tan cubicle
Preparing and setting up your equipment prior to tanning
Frequently asked questions and Sunless Solution top tanning tips
Public Liability Insurance
Will I get to do a spray tan myself on the day of the course?
Yes, you will carry out a full body spray tan under the supervision of your Sunless Solutions Tutor. If you are on a group spray tan course, you will normally carry out a spray tan on the other learners on the course. At Sunless Solutions we do understand that not everyone will want to get undressed in front of other members of the group, if you would prefer to provide a model to spray tan then you can arrange this prior to the course with Sunless Solutions Head office. We want to put everyone at ease at every stage of your Spray Tan Course.
How will I or my model prepare my skin ready for my spray tan on the course?
24 hours prior to your training course you or your model will need to:
Exfoliate 24 hours prior to your spray tan to remove all dead skin cells. Exfoliating products may contain oils and could therefore hinder the tanning process. Ensure all traces of the product must be fully removed.
Remove excess hair
Hair removal should be done 12-24 hours prior to tanning to allow the pores to close. The cosmetic bronzer and tanning products may sit inside open pores and cause a ‘black spotting’ appearance.
Moisturise the skin paying special attention to any areas such as elbows, knees and top of the feet
Pedicures and manicures should be done a day before your spray tan application. Massage oils will cause a problem with the tan’s development. If a pedicure, or manicure, is done after the spray tan it will remove the tan from this area and can cause streaking. Stick to polish change only on the day or day after your tan. Ask your therapist to be careful and do not use lotions or oils.
If you don’t have time and have to shave on the day of the tan, make sure you have not used a razor that has an Aloe Vera or moisturising strip razor head. Recent media clips show ladies with stripes up their legs, these can be a result of the moisturising strip head causing a barrier between the skin and the tans development
What do I need to do on the day of the course to prepare for my spray tan?
NO moisturiser should be applied to the skin on the day of your course. Moisturiser can cause a barrier and the tan may not process its full potential
NO deodorant.
NO Make-up
NO tight fitted clothes
This does include socks. It is always best to wear dark loose fitted clothes following your spray tan, flip flops are ideal for after your spray tan
Remember your spray tan bikini or underwear, however, the trainer will have disposable thongs available should you wish to use these.
How will I remember what positions my client should stand in for her spray tan?
You training manual has pictures and written advice for how your client needs to stand during a spray tan. You will also be given access to the Sunless Solutions Student area where you will find a client position chart for quick reference there is also a video you can watch on the student area.
Will I know which type/colour of spray tan solution to use on my client?
Yes, Sunless Solutions will explain the difference between our standard 8-hour development spray tan solution and our rapid express spray tan solution. There is also a colour chart which gives advice on which solution to use for fair skin, Pale skin, Milky white, freckled, very light brown, olive, dark brown and black skin tones. The colour chart will also be available for quick reference in the student area.
Will I know how to work a Spray Tan Machine?
Yes, your tutor will demonstrate the various spray tan machines Sunless Solutions supply https://www.sunlesssolutions.co.uk/spraytanmachines, you will be taught to set up your spray tan machine correctly, cleaning and trouble-shooting and will be able to have a play with the machines prior to carrying out your first spray tan.
Sunless Solutions have hand-picked a variety of machines to fit every budget but we have also taken into account machines that are reliable and offer a professional finish to your spray tan, the spray tan machines we offer are:
Tan.handy spray tan machine
Elite Compact spray tan machine
Tan.Lite Spray tan Machine
Aura Allure Spray Tan Machine
Will the course cover aftercare of a client’s spray tan?
Yes, during your spray tan course your tutor will cover Aftercare and what to tell your clients to maintain a perfect spray tan
Will the course cover problems that may arise from spray tanning a client?
Yes, Sunless Solutions will teach you to troubleshoot your clients tan, for instance:
Why is my spray tan solution coming out green
Why has my client got white spots on her skin after a spray tan, Tinea Versicolor
Spray tanning a client with larger breasts
Spray tan cracking on the legs
Age Spots
Spray tan and Sunburn
Tanning the knees
My spray tan fan is not coming out correctly, Spray tan plate positioning
With over 20 years of experience in the spray tan industry Sunless Solutions have put together a comprehensive Spray Tan Training manual to cover all aspects of the Sunless tanning industry.
We endeavour to share our wealth of knowledge in the industry with every trainee and want to offer our full support to enable you to grow and turn your new skills into a lucrative business.